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Shanghai Suoge Electronic co., Ltd is a new-tech enterprise,which having the system design, product-developing, equipment installation, technology service and so on comprehensive services. We are professional manufacturing all kind channel devices and systerm. Please log our company web: www.quickdz.com for detailed products information. For many years,we are developing and applying the intelligent channel device, attendance checking device and so on high-performance products.Now our products have been widly used in finance, public security,medical treatment, insurance, business, tour, entertainment, school, intelligent building, intelligent village and more fields. Our company has a stong team for technology service and sale, obeying the business aim of solidifing, cooperating, exploiting, developing with all customers and suppliers.We emphasize the reputation and service.With the selflessness spirit and the exquisite technology, we hope to become a professi... [详细介绍]