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When you enter Suzhou Tiandi Color Steel Manufacturing Co., Ltd., you will be surrounded with passion, because people here are all excellent and positive. Founded in 2002, we specialize in producing movable house, mobile house, container house, prefab, movable villa and EPS, PU and rock wool sandwich panels and steel structure. Prefabs are light, portable, artistic, and durable. Sandwich panels are widely used in the construction and decoration of shops, warehouses, garages, exhibition centers, cinemas, theatres, gymnasiums and other large-scale venues. Because of our professional design and high quality our products are selling very well in China and becoming more and more popular in the foreign market. Besides in this field our company is the first company who advertises their products in CCTV1.We take "being new and positive, pioneering and development" as our purpose. Our manager Mr. Yu, and all our staff members, warmly welcome all the guests from abroad to realize our ideals t... [详细介绍]