
Shanghai Honest Tools Company

Tools Hand Tools

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  • 联系人:Xia Yan
  • 电话:86 - 21 - 54376927
  • 传真:86 - 21 - 54373364
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We are a tool-manufacture company located in Shanghai, Chinese business centre and specialize in stilts and aluminum benches.
The followings are the brief descriptions of our products:
Stilts: As a substitution for the conventional scaffolding and long ladder, SH Stilts are applied in the work high above the ground in indoor and outdoor decoration as well as installation and operating repairs. Stepping on the SH Stilts, the operator can walk, stand and work freely at ease indoor or outdoor while no assistant or other facilities are needed. SH Stilts are not only an ideal tool but a pair of fancy stepping-high-stick performed in entertainment places. The newly-developed SH Stilts is designated to imitate the movement features of the lower part of human body in line with the principle of human body bionics.
Aluminum Work Bench: Is designated for the application in construction site in respect of raising operation latitude. Stability and safe operation are guaranteed while working on the bench, moreover, it is easy and simple to move and the overall height of the folded bench is only about 162MM, therefore it is convenient
公司名称: Shanghai Honest Tools Company 公司类型: Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: CN|中国/上海|SHANGHAI 公司规模: 51 - 100
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 1999
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: Tools Hand Tools
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