
Shanghai DeYi EDM Supplies Factory

Electrical Equipment & Supplies Other El...

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  • 联系人:Wang Hong De
  • 电话:86 - 21 - 66525861
  • 传真:86 - 21 - 66525836
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We are the No 1 EDM Tube provider in China for exporting 7,500,000 pcs per year .EDM JG Electrode Tube is developed By China Machinery Industry Technology Corporation and produced by Shanghai DEYI EDM tube Factory. that is applicable to high -speed electric-spark small-hole processing machines, especially for deep and small holes, and high-speed electric-spark processing. High-speed electric-spark small-hole processing technology is introduced from abroad. In recent years, with the increase in the more and more quantity of the imported lathes .The demand on the electrode tube is increasingly urgent. Type JG Electrode Tube is the synchronous domestic product for the needs of growth of the imported lathes. The series electrode tube is produced strictly according the Shanghai Enterprise Standard Q/nj580-90,which is also drafted by Shanghai DEYI CO.,LTD.EDM SUPPLIES Factory.It is already in the matching operation in the lather for long time in the EDM Filds both in China and THE edm fields in the world, such as Japan EDM Corporations , many American EDM suppliers ,Germany EDM suppliers.Italy.Japan ,Singapore,ect and also INdia's,You can find our products in many places in the fields of EDM in the world. As a substitute of imported product, that is welcome by our customers and also exported to U.S.A for the aerocraft, Japan, Franch, Italy , Australia ,Korea, Singapore. Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong kong Etc.It is the necessary Electrode tube for various high-speed electric -spark samll- hole processing lathes. We aslo provide: Electrode copper- tungsten Alloy ,for EDM machine with all kinds shapes,size,specification also and be made according your design. That we have exported to the world market. Copper tungsten from Shanghai DeYi Co.,Ltd. is now has been widely used in the EDM field and has been exported to many countries in the EDM market and the price is only at least half of the world price .but the quality has been submitted by our clients.
公司名称: Shanghai DeYi EDM Supplies Factory 公司类型: Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: CN|中国/上海|SHANGHAI 公司规模: 101 - 500
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 1996
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: Electrical Equipment & Supplies Other Electrical Equipment
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