With over 20 years experience in belt manufacturing, our factory in Guangzhou can make belts in a wide range of materials, including genuine leather, bonded leather, PU/PVC, fabrics, cotton ropes, fake suede and fur. We are actively exploring new markets too. Since 1997, our extensive product line has been expanded to include handcraft bags, wallets, coin bags and other fashionable items, in order to meet consumer demands. Customer designs and modifications are most welcome. Many famous brands such as Polo Ralph Lauren (United States), s.Oliver (Germany) and Pleiade (Japan) have placed their orders with us. efficient and experienced workforce ensures fine workmanship and prompt delivery. We can assure you that you will be satisfied with our product quality, value and variety of styles and materials to choose from. |
公司名称: |
Jin Yue Leather Co.,Ltd |
公司类型: |
Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商) |
所 在 地: |
公司规模: |
501 - 1000 |
注册资本: |
未填写 |
注册年份: |
1997 |
资料认证: |
保 证 金: |
已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营模式: |
制造商,贸易商 |
经营范围: |
Fashion Accessories Belt Accessories |
主营行业: |