
TIANMA Microelectronics Inc.

Consumer Electronics Other Home Audio & ...

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  • 联系人:Hyerim Heo
  • 电话:82 - 31 - 7178770
  • 传真:82 - 31 - 7178775
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Tianma Microelectronics now proudly celebrates two remarkable decades of its history. From the foundation in 1983, proactive pursuit of innovation and continuous product improvement enabled Tianma to maintain its unrivalled position as a leading international supplier of liquid crystal displays.

Renown as the largest manufacturer of passive and monochrome LCD's of continental China, the company now occupies a territory of almost 1 2/1 million square feet (125K m2), of which 1.2 million ft2 is designated for the manufacturing space.

Tianma's rapid growth and latest achievements were perpetuated by increased demand for special technologies. To meet the demand, the company opened its fourth factory Tianlong ("Heavenly Dragon"), which initiated production of Passive Color and high-end Monochrome STN displays.

The new facility now offers a production output of 420,000 pairs of CSTN and 700,000 pairs of FSTN sheets of ITO glass, each measuring 14 x 16 inches.
The overall annual capacity of Tianma Microelectronics is now boosted to millions of LCD modules.

Among them, full color models from 1" to 5.7" are offered as standard roducts.
An unwavering commitment to excellence of the company's personnel (now amounts to over 1800 employees) permeates every aspect of Tianma as an organization.

Tianma's R&D Department is officially recognized as one of Top 3 R&D Centers of Guandong Province since 1996, and Best R&D of Shenzhen City since 2000.
The company is praised by Chinese State Scientific and Technological Commission as one of 76 Key High-Tech Enterprises of China from 1996.

Tianma's long-term success is inexorably linked to the technical expertise of staff and technological advances developed by the R&D team. The company's displays meet specific challenges of operation without compromise under the most arduous field conditions.
公司名称: TIANMA Microelectronics Inc. 公司类型: Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: 公司规模: 1 - 5
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2003
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: Consumer Electronics Other Home Audio & Video Equipment
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