Pors Co. Ltd, one bag factory who locates in Guangzhou, is established in 2002. And she is engage in women's bag.
* QUALITY is which your first satisfaction. Pors has her own developing team, which offers you the most suitable and trendiest bags. Pors has her own precise Quality Control team, which can supply you the super bags.
We hereby warmest welcome you to visit our factory in Canton.
* PRICE is the second point you feel satisfactory. Pors will offer you the most competitive price in the market. For we already engaged in bag manufacturing for more than 8 years, we are familiar about the material market in China, and professional about purchasing proper material to meet your request price. Thus, our price offered will be the most competitive.
* DELIVERY TIME will be the third satisfaction. Pors will guarantee your request delivery day. We have more than 50 workers in the workshop. Our output is 10000 pieces per month.
In conclusion, your satisfaction is Pors' tenet.
公司名称: |
Pors Bags Co. Ltd |
公司类型: |
Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商) |
所 在 地: |
公司规模: |
51 - 100 |
注册资本: |
未填写 |
注册年份: |
1999 |
资料认证: |
保 证 金: |
已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营模式: |
制造商,贸易商 |
经营范围: |
Fashion Accessories Ladies' Handbags |
主营行业: |