
Tianjin You Bang Leather Products Co.,Ltd

Textiles & Leather Products Leather Product

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  • 联系人:Wang Andijamo
  • 电话:86 - 022 - 28208300
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Tianjin You Bang Leather Products Co.,Ltd is a leading producer and supplier of sheepskinproducts including automotive accessories, footwear, home decor, giftware, and therapeutic and baby rugs. We produce superior products at an extremely competitive price for clients aroung the world.Our copmany
, processing and manufacturing facilities are situated on a 5 acre site in Tianjin ; one of China 's most important ports located approximately 2 hours drive from Beijing .In addition, Tianjin You Bang
Leather Products Co.,Ltd works in partnership with You Bang International Pty Ltd the Australian arm of our organisation responsible for sourcing of raw materials and international sales. Through the combined resources of our companies located on two continents,we are able to source the best quality
skins from Australia as well as South America and the United Kingdom , and maximise the cost benefit of processing and manufacturing our products in China to pass on these savimgs to our customers. Our processing and manufacturing facilities in Tianjin utilises the most up to date and environmentally friendly methods equipment to protect the natural quality and beauty of the sheepskins at the same time protecting the environment.Regular audits from China's leading environmental organisation China
environmental protection departmentis conducted on our facilities We welcome you to view our product range. Our company and design department can also work with you to produce to your specifications. For further information contact us.
公司名称: Tianjin You Bang Leather Products Co.,Ltd 公司类型: Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: CN|中国/天津|TIAN JIN 公司规模: 51 - 100
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 1924
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: Textiles & Leather Products Leather Product
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