Established in 2003, Guangzhou Yihe Leather Sales Department is one of the leading manufacturers which deal in fashion handbags. Our products include genuine leather fashion handbags, PU leather fashion handbags and wallets.
We have clients worldwide, and our main customers come from America, Western Europe, South Asia and the Middle East. We can do OEM and ODM. We provide high quality products at factory prices and first-class services. We have a special team for quality control, and we know quality is the first important thing we need to note.
After ten years' efforts, now our company has very modernized workshop covering 2,000 square meters which is located in the suburb of Guangzhou City. We have 300 skilled employees, and the advanced production equipment.
Being a leading role in the leatherware industry now, we have got the strong capacity in design and development. Everyday and every week our designers and sample makers get the new fashion design for bags, which are showed in our showroom and office which is located in the leather center of Guangzhou City.
You are welcome to visit us, and we welcome your trial order. |
公司名称: |
Yihetrade |
公司类型: |
Manufacturer (制造商,贸易商) |
所 在 地: |
公司规模: |
101 - 500 |
注册资本: |
未填写 |
注册年份: |
2003 |
资料认证: |
保 证 金: |
已缴纳 0.00 元 |
经营模式: |
制造商,贸易商 |
经营范围: |
Apparel Other Apparel |
主营行业: |