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Aisinbag is specialized in brand name bags in Guangzhou, South of China, from 2010 on, we started to sell brand bags by internet and spread our bags all over the world. On line, you can order in bulk or only buy one, we can also provide our esteemed clients private label service, in our cooperated factory we can make sample and production as per clients designs.Aisinbag is dedicated to provide clients fashionable bag, brand bag, keep consistent with fashion.Aisinbag is committed to providing and producing top-quality products, to that end we source and utilize the best quality material such as top quality cow leather and best quality canvas, stringent quality system, innovated designer.Aisinbag is committed to offering you merchandize at most competitive price, our resources allow us to manage the cost in an effective model.Aisinbag is also passionately focus on driving Customer Success, keep on improving our Customer Service level continually and Customer Satisfaction is 100% guara... [详细介绍]