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What is PROSTAR?"PROSTAR" is a soundless, safe and non-explosive demolition agent, its chemical name is Calcium Hydroxide, which is quite different from ordinary demolition agents such as explosives and dangerous materials, it does not cause any fly rock noise ground vibration gas dust or any other environmental pollution when used properly.As requirements for demolishing rock or reinforce concrete in construction increase in tight quarters the use of explosives agents are becoming more restricted as far as safety and environmental pollution problems are concerned"PROSTAR" is a solution. ?PROSTAR? as a material in powder form that expands considerably after mixing with water. This expansion., when is restrained in pre-drilled holes, generates significant expansive pressures which are far away enough to break, cut or demolish any type of rock and concrete structures. Water and ambient temperature are the most important variables in influencing the gen... [详细介绍]