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We are fashion bags factory located in Guangzhou, south of China, with over 10years experience production, we can supply you professional quality handbag !We specialize in manufacturing various handbags, banquet bag , leisure bags, travel bags, and other bags as well as wallets, purse! They can be made of genuine or imitation leather, nylon, canvas, pvc, pu and other fabrics.We can produce nicely and accurately according to custom design drawing. And we will sign confidentiality agreement to protect your designs too.we are basically working for Customized handbags, Private label for our clients. We are a staff of 350 people with a capability of producing 35000 pieces of bags per month.We have 15 professional designers, every month we have more than 200 new designs samples come for market.!We would be greatly appreciated if you would offer us your enquiries in detailed specifications and we always welcome new co-operations with customers all over the world. Please come to ... [详细介绍]