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Canwe Handbags Manufacturing Factory is a specialized handbag manufacturing factory located in Guangzhou city ,china. Our factory has more than ten years' experience in handbag manufacturing. We specialize in design trendy and original handbags and capture the fashion element. We differentiate ourselves by strong pre-selection and high quality bags for a low price. Our target group comprises consumers who are looking for something special. We have a strong OEM capability, being able to accept customers' own designs in their chosen materials and styles. Our factory comprises three workshops, which cover a total area of 6,000 square meters.There are two hundred well trained and motivated staff members, and advanced equipment, including sewing, molding, embroidery, shaping, heating and ironing machines. Our aim is to ensure we meet clients' expectations and supply them with products that match exactly with their OEM design specifications. Furthermore, if you requi... [详细介绍]