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Honour Le Limited. We design and manufacture various kinds of handbags such as fashion bags, backpacks, cosmetic bags, wallets, leather belts etc. We specialize in producing all kinds of ladies bags of genuine leather in perfect handwork. Our factory is located in the suburb of the Guangzhou. Our booth exhibits and sells the handbags in the leather centre of the downtown in Guangzhou. Our products are sold to the worldwide. We began to handle the handbags in 1998. At first, we focused on the domestic sales. Now, we are dedicated to the overseas market. Based on a long term practice and technical training, we have more than 100 competent employees as well as a well experienced management and distinctive R&D team to provide wide selection of trendy materials in genuine leather, PU, cotton etc.. We can provide different designs for clients to choose. Moreover, we can make the counterparts of the handbags according to the photos or the drawings. OEM and ODM are welcome to meet clients??... [详细介绍]