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By using optical microscopy(OM), electronic microscopy(EM) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), root nodule ultra-structure and endophytic bacteria in the induced nodules of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon escutentum Mill) were observed. The results shown that there are many nodules formed on the plant root system after azotobacter infection. Two azotobacter species are identified in the nodules cell. A kind of short bacillus of Beijerinckia derx and Azotobacter chroococcum Beijerink. The coccus bacteria in the root nodule tissue shown in three different developing morphologies which are bacterium cell, sporangium, and sporangiospores. This new type of symbiosis in nature is a rare phenomenon and the symbiotic relations are discussed in this article. [详细介绍]