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The DUCT IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LIMITED, Chongqing City, was established in 2003, Originates business from VOD System and Domestic Shipbuilding Industry, and is also a major highly specialized enterprise with diversified management. Our main business focus is marine valves, marine pipe, marine pipe fittings, and marine instruments.The domestic company was set up in 2002 and was transformed into Foreign Trade Company in 2010 according to the requirements of the modern enterprise system. It has reorganized its resources to provide all necessary support and guarantee in steering the company on a course of stable, healthy and sustained development.The company is noted for its wide scope of business, rich operational experience and ample resources. Based its operation on the integration of science, industry and trade, it has set up a strategic partnership with its stockholders and customers.The DUCT IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LIMITED has a powerful staff who are proficient in work, good at forei... [详细介绍]