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The fabric air dispersion system manufactured by DurkeeSox is a revolutionary end diffuser system. It surpasses metal duct works with superior features and with high cost efficiency.DurkeeSox air dispersion system are designed and manufactured to comply with multiple national and international standards such as NFPA 90, and surpass all UL and ASTM standards by large margin. DurkeeSox has been installed in hundreds of applications worldwide, to name a few users like KRAFT, BAYER, SONY-ERICSSON, CARREFOUR, and achieved dominant number one position in both market shares and customer satisfaction in great Asian market.DurkeeSox manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001:2000 and UKAS Quality Management certified. With many patented modern design software, production processes, system simulation and large scale aerodynamic field test lab, our expert engineer and technical support team is capable to provide timely response for customers. We provide full service from preliminary syst... [详细介绍]