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We are the world's largest jump units production base.Only our product is legitimate in China and has CE certification and accreditation of ISO9001. In China other enterprises are illegally producing jump units.Our factory has modern production lines and produces over 200,000 pairs per year. We have gradually expanded to accommodate the requirement of this market that demand exceeds supply recently. We strive to manufacture the highest performance flyjumper that are unsurpassed in quality and craftsmanship.Our factory is located in Guangzhou, China. You are warmly welcomed to visit our factory to order the flyjumper and to see for yourselves, our high standards of manufacture and craftsmanship.95% of the jump units in the world is made by us, under various brand names (Fly Jumper,Powerizer, Pro-Jumper,Jollyjumper, etc.). With over 2 years of production, and continual research and development, our highest quality has been proven all over the world. One of our challenges that we have ... [详细介绍]