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we are fashion bag and belt factory located in Guangzhou, with 20years handbag production experience, we sure you professional workmanship and factory price. we gladly invite you come to visit us. We specialize in designing and manufacturing high quality bags and belts with different materials: various quality leather, pu, pvc, canvas and other fabric. we are basically working for Customized designs, Private label, We can produce nicely and accurately according to design drawing, And we will sign confidentiality agreement to protect your designs too. We also have 4 professional designers, every month we have more that 15 new styles come for market.our company's basic business terms:1.Email /fax responses time: Promptly. (no more than 12hours)our working time: 8:00am- 11:00pm2. Quality guarantee: if you found any problem product in received goods, we will refund the problem products' payment to you.3. Sample fee: please understand that we need to buy materials ... [详细介绍]