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Founded in 1990, Guangzhou Valub Case & Bags Factory is a professional manufacturer for various bags in different materials. We have accumulated 10 years' experience in the field. We are committed to providing our clients with the good services and the reliable quality products such as Computer bag, Briefcases, Trolley case, backpacks, travel bags, trolley backpacks; School bags, School bags with trolley. Our factory is located in Shiling Town Huadu District Guangzhou China, which is the biggest export base for kinds of bags in China. Our factory covers an area of 2, 000 square meters and has 200skilled workers. Besides, we have professional designers who are able to design the novel and attractive bags. Now our monthly production is up to 50, 000pcs. Our production are under the strict internal control procedures from customers' requests to design and from raw material purchase to products. Most of our bags are well sold in many countries such as Germany, U. S, India, H. K, Malaysi... [详细介绍]