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Zealous Group Ltd. is an exporting company both for trading and manufacturing. We specialized in fashion handbag, wallet, belt, evening bag, trolley bag, packing bag, backpack, sport bag, laptop bag, cosmetics bag, etc. which are made of genuine leather, PU leather, PVC, fabric, canvas, polyester, etc. Our factory is located in Guangzhou, where is famous in China as a commodity center with a large variety of quality commodities. Here is one of the largest concentrations of Chinese factories. Because it is very easy and convenience to find the most of items with competitive prices here. People from all over the world come to Guangzhou City to buy commodities for resale. It is the reason why we want to run as your sourcing office in China. Our cooperation can be on the basis of commissions or salary.We believe in building long-term partnerships with our customers on a win-win philosophy. From the very beginning, we always adhere to the regulation of ??incerity and Credit?? We always s... [详细介绍]