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SiRui photographic equipment company is located in five Gui Shan Town of the Delta of the Pearl River the southern part Zhong Shan City, which can take a general view at Hong Kong , Shenzhen , southward adjacent east Zhuhai , Macau , the west lead to Jiang Men City , the north faces Guangzhou, be located in the core that big Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao triangles economy market and advantageous geographic location. The company was set up in 2001. It collaborated with one of the famous international photography brand in early years which created high-tech and quality cameras and advanced equipment for photographers. Start from 2006, SiRui has started in innovation which was resulted from the enriched technique and experience accumulated for many years. At the same year, SiRui has built a 20000 square metres factory as their specialized production base. Starts from secondary product design to product assembling, the company is participated in the whole product... [详细介绍]